Next class begins March 11th

Compassionate Communication: How to talk with almost anyone about almost anything

Whether you’re new to Compassionate Communication or ready for a refresher, register now and take advantage of a great class at a great price.

I know it’s last-minute but I wanted to share this opportunity to join me for four weeks of practice & learning in Compassionate Communication. Sponsored by Center for Spiritual Living South Coastal TC, the class will be held on zoom and is open to everyone for the discounted price of $80.

This class is a game-changer when it comes to communicating with people who see the world differently than you do.

Of course, we’ll cover the fundamentals:

  • how to respond to hard-to-hear messages in ways that allow us to connect with others regardless of our differing perspectives

  • how judgment, evaluation & criticism get in the way of our innate compassion — and how to limit these common reactions

  • how identifying our own feelings & needs ensures we can be present and available in any conversation


Tuesdays March 11th - April 1st @ 6:00 - 7:30 PM on zoom

Fee is $80

Required text: Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD

Online classes begin March 11th - April 1st @ 6:00 PM. Registration fee: $80

Text: Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Love by Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD.

Kathy Black is a world traveler, spiritual explorer, and a professional life coach. She has meditated with Buddhist monks in Prague, chanted with Hare Krishna devotees in Sydney, and studied New Thought & Mindfulness across the U.S. She integrates deep wisdom and spiritual clarity into her coaching and teaching. After eight years of immersing herself in Nonviolent Communication, she is currently on staff at URI’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, where she teaches Compassionate Communication.